Monday 22 June, 12 Noon to 14:00 (EDT) via Zoom
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the SHAFR 2020 Annual Meeting scheduled for June 2020 in New Orleans, Louisiana was cancelled. We have set up a virtual conference page that includes:
All of this can be found on the SHAFR 2020 Virtual Conference site.
Colleagues from the Society for History of American Foriegn Relations,
Please find attached a letter to our researchers that I hope you will share with your members. This letter has also been posted to our website and to my blog.
Coordinating Council for Women in History (CCWH) Awards
Deadline- June 15, 2020
The CCWH offers six awards. For full descriptions and application procedures, see
Dear Colleagues,
On June 25-26, 2020, the American Society of International Law will present its first-ever Virtual Annual Meeting. Now in its 114th year, the ASIL Annual Meeting is one of the largest gatherings of international lawyers, scholars, judges, and diplomats in the world.
Dear Colleagues:
The National Archives and Records Administration exists to provide access to the records that document the history of the United States. However, sometimes history happens around us and forces us to change the way we approach our work, at least for the time being. All of us are living through a historic crisis as we adapt to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. We at the National Archives are keenly aware of the uncertainty faced by our staff and our colleagues in the archival community and cultural and educational organizations. Institutions and individuals are facing unprecedented challenges in an effort to continue their regular operations.
Watch the SHAFR 2014 plenary session, "The Fall of the Wall: A 25th Anniversary Reassessment," on the C-SPAN Video Library, as broadcast Sunday on C-SPAN3's American History TV.
Featured on the video are Richard Immerman (Temple University) as moderator with panelists Jeffrey A. Engel (Southern Methodist University), Melvyn P. Leffler (University of Virginia), Mary Sarotte (University of Southern California), and James G. Wilson (Office of the Historian, U.S. Department of State). The full video on C-SPAN's video library includes a fully searchable transcript and closed captioning. Thanks to C-SPAN for filming and producing this highlight from our June conference in Lexington.