The Peter L. Hahn Distinguished Service Award

The Peter L. Hahn Distinguished Service Award is intended to recognize a senior historian who has provided significant contributions to the growth and development of our organization over the course of their career.  The award was established by Council in 2017—marking the organization’s fiftieth anniversary—to recognize those who have contributed to the growth of the organization and the development of its members.  

Eligibility: The Peter L. Hahn Distinguished Service Award will be awarded to a long-time member of SHAFR whose service demonstrates a deep commitment to the organization’s mission of promoting and disseminating scholarship in the field of foreign relations broadly defined as well as its distinguished tradition of mentorship, teaching, and public advocacy (especially as it relates to the declassification of government documents).

Procedures: A letter of nomination should

  • provide a brief biography of the nominee;
  • list the nominee’s major service contributions to SHAFR and the field of foreign relations broadly defined (these may include scholarship in the field, but the award is primarily defined as a service award); and
  • explain how these service contributions have made a major impact on SHAFR and its members.

Self-nominations are accepted. Deadline is 1 February

Peter L. Hahn Distinguished Service Awards are generally announced at SHAFR’s annual meeting in June.

Submit materials to:

The Peter L. Hahn Distinguished Service Award recent winners:

  • 2024 Naoko Shibusawa
  • 2023 Robert K. Brigham
  • 2022 Mitchell Lerner
  • 2019 Richard H. Immerman
  • 2017 Peter L. Hahn