Research Resources

Banner of the research section of the SHAFR website

Welcome to the research section of the SHAFR website, which includes selected Resources for historical research, a list of Funding opportunities, and a set of Archive Guides compiled from the pages of Passport: A SHAFR Review. SHAFR also serves as a voice for the concerns of researchers, including the need to protect access to and to preserve historical documents for future generations of scholars.

The SHAFR Archival Research Discussion Group aims to help researchers share information about archival research, ask questions, share their own primary sources or ask others to share theirs, discuss best practices, facilitate cooperative research, and find paid researchers. 

To join, you must be affiliated with a university or research institution or be an established researcher. Please indicate your name and affiliation in the relevant form. Moderators may verify this information. 

Sign up here: 

Archives and research resources by region

North America
South America
International Organizations
United States


Archives and research resources by subject

Resources by subject

Other Resources

Freedom of Information Act Resources
Records Management
Funding Opportunities
HAC Reports
Digital History