Past Presidents
Past Presidents on Council

Mitch Lerner The Ohio State University
Mary Ann Heiss Kent State University
Past Presidents
- 2024- Mitch Lerner, The Ohio State University
- 2023- Mary Ann Heiss, Kent State University
- 2022- Laura Belmonte, Virginia Tech
- 2021- Andrew Preston, University of Cambridge
- 2020- Kristin Hoganson, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- 2019- Barbara Keys, University of Melbourne
- 2018- Peter L. Hahn, The Ohio State University
- 2017- Mary L. Dudziak, Emory University
- 2016- David Engerman, Brandeis University
- 2015- Tim Borstelmann, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
- 2014- Fredrik Logevall, Harvard University
- 2013- Mark Philip Bradley, University of Chicago
- 2012- Thomas Zeiler, University of Colorado, BOulder
- 2011- Marilyn B. Young, New York University
- 2010- Andrew J. Rotter, Colgate University
- 2009- Frank Costigliola, University of Connecticut
- 2008- Thomas A. Schwartz, Vanderbilt University
- 2007- Richard Immerman, Temple University
- 2006- Randall B. Woods, University of Arkansas
- 2005- David L. Anderson, California State University, Monterey Bay
- 2004- Mark A. Stoler, University of Vermont
- 2003- Michael J. Hogan, The Ohio State University
- 2002- Robert L. Beisner, American University
- 2001- Robert J. McMahon, University of Florida
- 2000- Robert D. Schulzinger, University of Colorado, Boulder
- 1999- Walter LaFeber, Cornell University
- 1998- Arnold Offner, Lafayette College
- 1997- Emily Rosenberg, Macalester College
- 1996- Mark Gilderhus, Colorado State University
- 1995- Robert Dallek, University of California, Los Angeles
- 1994- Melvyn Leffler, University of Virginia
- 1993- Warren Kimball, Rutgers University-Newark
- 1992- John Lewis Gaddis, Ohio University
- 1991- Gary Hess, Bowling Green State University
- 1990- Michael Hunt, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- 1989- George Herring, University of Kentucky
- 1988- Lloyd Gardner, Rutgers University
- 1987- Thomas G. Paterson, University of Connecticut
- 1986- Betty Unterberger, Texas A&M University
- 1985- Warren F. Kuehl, University of Akron
- 1984- Warren I. Cohen, Michigan State University
- 1983- Ernest R. May, Harvard University
- 1982- Lawrence E. Gelfand, University of Iowa
- 1981- Lawrence S. Kaplan, Kent State University
- 1980- David M. Pletcher, Indiana University
- 1979- Paul A. Varg, Michigan State University
- 1978- Akira Iriye, University of Chicago
- 1977- Raymond A. Esthus, Tulane University
- 1976- Robert A. Divine, University of Texas, Austin
- 1975- Armin H. Rappaport, University of California, San Diego
- 1974- Bradford Perkins, University of Michigan
- 1973- Wayne S. Cole, University of Maryland
- 1972- Norman A. Graebner, University of Virginia
- 1971- Robert H. Ferrell, Indiana University
- 1970- Richard W. Leopold, Northwestern University
- 1969- Alexander DeConde, University of California, Santa Barbara
- 1968- Thomas A. Bailey, Stanford University