SHAFR Electronic Communications Editor
The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) invites applications for a new position of Electronic Communications Editor, with a focus on social media and content on the SHAFR website. The Communications Editor will plan, execute, and evaluate a variety of virtual communications initiatives, projects, and platforms that strategically align with the broader advancement of SHAFR and the academic field (including development, member relations, and communications). This individual’s scope of work will span SHAFR’s social-media needs, including members, committees and task forces, Council, print publications, and the annual conference. The Electronic Communications Editor will develop an annual work plan, in consultation with the President and the Executive Director and for presentation to Council, and is evaluated against the success of that plan. This position will also work with an advisory committee (much like an editorial board) in order to ensure a variety of perspectives and approaches within the content presented on the website.