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The Papers of William Short

My name is Marty D. Matthews and I am co-editor along with Monica Henry of a new NHPRC funded project, The Papers of William Short, a born-digital documentary edition, hosted by the Institute for Southern Studies at the University of South Carolina, focusing on Virginian William Short (1759-1849), who was a U.S. diplomat and fiscal agent in Europe, a successful businessman and philanthropist in the United States, an early advocate of the emancipation of enslaved people in Virginia, and Thomas Jefferson’s “adoptive son.” Our website is at

Marty D. Matthews, Ph.D.

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W&M Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Security and Foreign Policy

I'm writing today to ask for your help in circulating our call for a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Security and Foreign Policy. The post-doc is open in terms of discipline and is intended to foster viewpoint diversity, with a focus on applicants who engage seriously with debates about the future of U.S. security and foreign policy.

The Global Research Institute (GRI) at William & Mary invites applications for a two-year Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Security and Foreign Policy. GRI brings high quality researchers to W&M, supports intellectual diversity, and provides mentored research opportunities for undergraduate students, especially those from under-represented groups. 

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NARA Survey on Customer Research Agenda

Dear NCH Member,

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is developing a draft Customer Research Agenda to guide the agency’s customer research and service improvement efforts in the future. The plan will center on identifying the wants, needs, and expectations that individuals, organizations, and communities have when interacting with the National Archives. NARA is soliciting feedback on which of the customer research questions are the most important, which don’t make sense, and which are missing.

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2023 Research Fellowships at the Virginia Museum of History & Culture

2023 Research Fellowships at the Virginia Museum of History & Culture

The Virginia Museum of History & Culture (VMHC) offers research fellowships of up to three weeks a year to promote the interpretation of Virginia and access to its collections. Thanks to a matching grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and generous gifts from individuals, fellowships carry a weekly stipend of $1,000 and $500 for local mileage. A week is defined as five days in the Mr. and Mrs. E. Claiborne Robins, Jr. Research Library, which is open 10am to 5pm, Monday through Saturday. The deadline for applications is Friday, January 27, 2023. For information about the research fellowships and how to apply for 2023, please visit the following page on the VMHC website:

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Call for Proposals to host the 2026 SHAFR Annual Conference

Call for Proposals to host the 2026 SHAFR Annual Conference


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NYU-Gallatin- Assistant Professor of Capitalism and Political Economy

Assistant Professor of Capitalism and Political Economy

New York University: NYU - NY: Gallatin School of Individualized Study


New York

Open Date

Sep 27, 2022


The Gallatin School of Individualized Study at New York University (NYU) invites applications for the tenure-track, position of Assistant Professor with a focus on capitalism and political economy. The position will start on September 1, 2023. 

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Université de Montréal- Assistant Professor in History of Africa

An English message follows.

Madame, Monsieur,

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Press Statement on Public Release of NARA Records Concerning the 15 Boxes

Press Statement on Public Release of NARA Records Concerning the 15 Boxes
Received from Mar-a-Lago in January 2022

OCTOBER 3, 2022– Today, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is releasing documents processed in response to numerous Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for NARA records related to the 15 boxes that we received in January 2022 from former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, Florida estate. 

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Wabash College- Historian of Latin America and the Global South - Job Posting

Good evening Dear Colleagues

Hello again from Indiana! I hope this email finds you all well and surviving the fall semester or whatever adventure you are on. I am hoping you may consider and/or help spread this announcement to interested parties in your graduate program and/or network? I am chair of the History Dept. this year and I am excited about the direction we are headed and about this position. Please feel free to direct any inquiries my way!

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[NCHPolicyBoard] Senate Panel Deadlocks on Archivist Nominee in Party-line Vote

Dear NCH Member,

Today the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee failed to favorably report the nomination of Dr. Colleen J. Shogan to be Archivist of the United States. (AOTUS). The vote was along party lines, 7-7. Because the Senate is split 50-50, Democrats do not have a majority on committees. However because the Vice President is a Democrat, the chairs of Senate committees are Democrats.

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13th Annual Texas A&M University History Conference “Between Conflict and Connection”

13th Annual Texas A&M University History Conference “Between Conflict and Connection

February 17-18, 2023

Call for Papers

The History Graduate Student Organization at Texas A&M University is proud to announce our 13th annual graduate and undergraduate history student conference. This year’s conference will take place on February 17th and 18th, 2023. This conference is an opportunity for students to showcase their research in front of their peers, as well as experts from a variety of historical fields.

The theme for this year's conference is "Between Conflict and Connection." This conference seeks scholarly discussion on the significance of historical interactions, both peaceful and violent, and the ways in which these developments continue to impact our present time. In selecting this theme, the conference focuses on histories of struggle, compromise, and identity. Exploring the ways in which historical interactions of people and events generated both division and interrelation continues to shed valuable light on the nature of communal, national, and transnational relations. We welcome papers that examine how conflict has torn some nations and peoples apart, while bringing others together. Scholars whose research highlights nonviolent conflict, such as political strife, trade wars, embargos, and more are encouraged to apply as well. Papers that explore histories of conflict and connection centered on events, the environment, nonhuman actors, inventions, and processes are also welcome. Overall, this conference encourages conversations and research that explore human conflict, connection, and the middle ground in between.

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[NCH] NCH endorsement letter for Dr. Colleen Shogan as Archivist of the United States

September 16, 2022

The Honorable Gary C. Peters                                    The Honorable Rob Portman

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IEHS George E. Pozzetta Dissertation Award

The Immigration and Ethnic History Society presents two awards of $1,000 each to help graduate students with their dissertations on American immigration, emigration, or ethnic history, broadly defined. These awards are intended for students in the process of researching and writing their dissertations, and not for students completing and defending in 2023. For the 2023 award, the committee invites applications from any Ph.D. candidate who will have completed qualifying exams by 2022.

Applicants will submit the following materials to [email protected]which will reach all committee members:

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[NCH] TV interview on FBI affidavit release

Dear NCH Policy Board Member,

I did a TV interview on the release of the FBA affidavit last Friday with the Cox Media Group that owns over a dozen local affiliates around the country. Here's the link:

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2021 HAC Report (Advisory Committee on Historical Diplomatic Documentation)

The Advisory Committee on Historical Diplomatic Documentation to the [U.S.] Department of State (the HAC) has published its 2021 Annual Report.

Inaugural SMU Center for Presidential History Book Prize

Inaugural Center for Presidential History Book Prize

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Fall 2022 Washington History Seminar series

The National History Center and the Wilson Center are pleased to announce the Fall 2022 season of the Washington History Seminar.

The seminars will all be held virtually via zoom and recordings will be posted to our YouTube channel.

Fall 2022 Lineup

September 12 with Caroline Elkins on Legacy of Violence A History of the British Empire

September 19 with Fritz Bartel on The Triumph of Broken Promises: The End of the Cold War and the Rise of Neoliberalism

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[NCH] NARA rebuts Trump claim about transfer of Obama records to Chicago

Dear NCH Member,

You may have seen Trump's claim that former-president Obama took 33 million records to Chicago with him after he left the White House. This claim is patently FALSE.

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[NCH] NARA transfer of museum to Bush Presidential Library Foundation

Dear NCH Member,

Recently, the National Coalition for History (NCH) intervened in a fast-developing situation seeking to delay the transfer of control of the museum at the George W. Bush Presidential Library from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to the George W. Bush Foundation. It was brought to public attention in an article in The Atlantic written by former-Director of the Richard M. Nixon Presidential Library, and professor of history at NYU, Tim Naftali.

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[NCH Senate Appropriations Committee Unveils FY 23 Funding Bills

Dear NCH Member, 

On July 28, Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) released draft versions of all twelve Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 appropriations bills. The bills were written with no input from the Republican minority on the committee. So, the funding levels can be seen as markers from which lengthy negotiations will begin and likely don’t reflect what we can expect at the end of the budget process in the Senate. Action on the bills is not expected until the fall.

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