Inaugural Center for Presidential History Book Prize
Announcing the Center for Presidential History Book Prize, awarded annually for a distinguished book published in English, in any aspect in the field of United States presidential history, broadly defined. The CPH Book Prize was established in 2022 thanks to a generous gift from a supporter of the SMU Center for Presidential History.
The current prize amount is $2,500. The author will receive an invitation to give the annual CPH Book Prize Lecture at Southern Methodist University during the prize calendar year. The CPH will pay all author's travel expenses and deliver the prize at the lecture.
General Rules for Submission
1. The prize is designed specifically to encourage early career scholars, so the entry must be the author’s first substantial book. Books submitted must be non-fiction monographs. Pamphlets, anthologies, edited works, books of essays, and other similar-scale efforts will not qualify. Textbooks in the strict sense of the word are not eligible, but a work of wide scope which interprets a major period or area would certainly qualify.
2. Books published in English bearing a copyright of 2022 are eligible for the 2023 prize.
3. Nomination submissions may be made by an author or by a publisher. Publishers may submit as many entries as they wish.
4. There is no fee for participation. Publishers do not need to enclose a letter of nomination.
5. The author need not be a citizen or resident of the United States. The book need not be published in the United States.
6. Nominators must complete this online submission form for each book submitted.
7. FIVE copies of each entry must be sent to the Center for Presidential History and clearly labeled “CPH Book Prize Entry.” Print copies are preferred. If only electronic copies are available, please contact the prize administrator before submission to verify submission format.
Please Note: Entries must be postmarked by December 1, 2022, to be eligible for the 2023 prize. Entries will not be returned. Award recipient will be announced on the CPH website in February 2023 and recognized during the CPH Book Prize Lecture at SMU within the same year.
For questions, please contact the prize administrator at [email protected].
Mailing address for entries:
Center for Presidential History
ATTN: CPH Book Prize Entry
Southern Methodist University
PO Box 750512
Dallas, TX 75275