Department of State Central Files, 1789-1910 Available Online: An Omnibus
Department of State Central Files, 1789-1910 Available Online: An Omnibus
Today’s post was written by David Langbart, archivist in Research Services at the National Archives at College Park, MD.
Over the past few years, the National Archives has digitized and made available online through the National Archives Catalog many important records of the Department of State. The records consist largely of the various series of records that constitute the Department’s central files for the period from 1789 to 1910.
As those records went online, each was announced with a blog post that included more information about the records and a link to the online resources. To make locating those posts easier, you will find here a brief outline of the records with links to all the previous blog posts. Some of the information here repeats what you will find in those.