Post-Conflict Workshop (June 2023)
Call for Papers
The Days After: U.S. Post-conflict Diplomacy since 1783
Some of America’s strongest bilateral relationships have been forged in the aftermath of a war. At the same time, war has failed in other cases to resolve outstanding underlying issues, and hostility has continued or intensified in the following years. Why have former adversaries at times become American allies, at other times remained enemies of the United States, and sometimes fluctuated between these two poles? This conference is dedicated to exploring these fundamental questions. As such, we invite proposals that explore issues including: Distinctive U.S. approaches to repairing relationships; U.S. diplomatic efforts with a particular region or country; Situational factors that support or impede rapprochement; and, Particular tools (political, economic, public diplomacy, etc.) that facilitate closer ties after a war or conflict.
We anticipate that the papers will be initially presented at a one-day workshop at the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown University, on June 14, 2023, immediately before the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations in Arlington, VA, with a potential edited volume and/or published case studies to follow.
To submit a proposal, please provide a 150-200 word abstract of your paper topic and a two-page C.V. by March 14, 2022. Questions and proposals should be sent to [email protected]. You can also visit our website here:
Brian Etheridge, Kennesaw State University
Andy Johns, Brigham Young University
Kelly McFarland, Georgetown University