Botstiber News | February 2024
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The Smith Richardson Foundation is pleased to announce its annual Strategy and Policy Fellows grant competition to support young scholars and policy thinkers on American foreign policy, international relations, international security, military policy, and diplomatic and military history. Applicants must have a Ph.D to apply.
Hello NCH colleagues,
I wanted to share with all of you a recent update to CoSA's popular "Importance of State Archives" advocacy booklet. Our advocacy committee condensed this tool into a tri-fold brochure to encourage greater use and distribution for advocacy efforts:
Digital Inventory Specialist 1
SHAFR is happy to recognize the achievements of the following members who received fellowships and awards at the beginning of this new year. We will also congratulate them in person at the June conference’s Saturday luncheon ahead of the Stuart L. Bernath Lecture.
The Department of History at Bowling Green State University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the history of "US and the World" with a start date of August 2024. For a complete job description & instructions on how to apply for this position visit Deadline to apply is December 31, 2023. Background check required for employment. BGSU is an AA/EEO/Vet employer. We encourage applications from women, minorities, veterans, and persons with disabilities regardless of age, gender identity, genetic information, religion, or sexual orientation.
SHAFR Mentorship Program: Manuscript Workshops for Contingent Faculty
For a second year, SHAFR will support manuscript workshops for contingent faculty who are members of SHAFR. These workshops will be familiar to those who have benefited from them, including two members sponsored by SHAFR last year: established scholars read the work of another, usually a junior scholar, then meet with the author to discuss the work, with an eye toward preparing a manuscript for publication. All future workshops will be held virtually, by Zoom, providing an opportunity for all contingent faculty to participate without having to attend the annual meeting.
Call for Papers: Culture & International History VII
Uncertain Boundaries in International History
14-16 December 2024, Freie Universität Berlin
The conference Culture and International History VII will be dedicated to the topic of “Uncertain Boundaries.” Boundaries have received increasing attention in public, political, and scholarly debates in recent years, much inspired by scholars such as Nira Yuval-Davies (2020) and others. In contrast to physical borders (frontiers, national, imperial, natural borders, property lines) boundaries, as a concept, highlight the interplay of territorial, physical borders with their attendant sociopolitical and cultural consequences. At the same time, they also draw attention to mental dimensions: nature and culture, them and us, male and female, and their material implications. The creation, crossing, collapse, and contestation of borders often stand in direct correlation to the drawing, blurring, and cracking of boundaries.
In anticipation of the publication of Thinking Otherwise: How Walter LaFeber Explained the History of US Foreign Relations, Cornell University will host a conference celebrating Professor LaFeber’s life and work at its Tech Campus on New York City’s Roosevelt Island. The conference will take place from Friday evening October 27 through Sunday afternoon October 29, 2023, and will feature a viewing of Walt’s farewell address at the Beacon Theater in April 2006, recollections and tributes, presentations by Walt’s students of their contributions to Thinking Otherwise, and roundtables with former students who pursued distinguished careers in the public policy and private spheres.
The conference is free and open to the public. Pre-registration is nevertheless required, and space is limited. So if you can attend, please preregister as soon as possible at
Le Département d’histoire de l'Université de Montréal sollicite des candidatures pour un poste de professeur ou de professeure à temps plein au rang d’adjoint en histoire des Caraïbes.
Assistant Professor of International Relations
The Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Global History or in the History of International Relations, beginning July 1, 2024. The search is open to all regional, thematic, and functional specializations. Successful candidates would be expected to have completed a Ph.D. by August 15, 2024, demonstrated the potential for excellence in any discipline relevant to international affairs, and share a commitment to the Pardee School’s institutional values of diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice.
The PEACE HISTORY SOCIETY is holding its biennial international conference from October 26 through October 28, 2023. Hosted by Gwynedd Mercy University, the conference is organized as a hybrid event with on-site and online presentations, exhibits, and more. The conference theme, "Peace & Protest, Past & Present," recognizes peace as an active process often expressed through dissent and protest rather than a passive condition signifying an absence of physical violence. It refers equally to nonviolent protest across a range of justice movements and to direct actions in support of peace and justice. The conference features:
The full program is available here.
The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library has relaunched and expanded its fellowship program to facilitate research in Yale’s special collections by the broadest possible group of researchers. We welcome applications from scholars and graduate students locally and globally who utilize traditional methods of archival and bibliographic research as well as from individuals who wish to pursue creative, interdisciplinary, and non-traditional approaches to conducting research in the collections.
Fellowships will be awarded in the amount of $5,000 per month for varying lengths of time.
The Journal of American-East Asian Relations and Brill Publisher announce the 2023-2024 Frank Gibney Award. The Award goes to an essay in any field of the Journal’s interest written in any country by a graduate student during 2022 or 2023. Brill Publishers, awards the winning author US$1,000 and the Journal will publish the winning article in 2024.
Deadline for submissions is December 15, 2023
Faculty Position in American Studies Associate Professor / Professor
Georgetown University in Qatar
At CoSA's recent annual meeting in DC, Meg Phillips, NARA External Liaison, shared the following jobs that may be of interest to your communities:
National Archives, NHPRC Historian (GS-12) - oversight of grants program with a particular interest in funding smaller, under-resourced cultural heritage organizations. Though this is labeled as a historian, those with experience in archives, museums, and other cultural heritage fields will be considered given the focus of the work. Salary: $94,199 - $122,459. Close date: August 7, 2023
20th century U.S. International Affairs. Assistant Professor. The Mississippi State University Department of History invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in U.S. religious history, beginning August 16, 2024. Teaching responsibilities are two courses per semester. Offerings include a turn in the US History survey and undergraduate and graduate courses in the area of expertise. Of particular importance is demonstrated ability to contribute to the graduate specialty in War, Peace and International Affairs. See for further details.
A Ph.D. in the history of 20th century U.S. International Relations at the time of appointment is required. Evidence of successful teaching and publications are preferred.