The LaFeber-Wood Prize for Distinguished Teaching

The LaFeber-Wood Prize for Distinguished Teaching recognizes and encourages excellence in teaching in the field of foreign relations. The prize of $1,000 is awarded annually at the summer conference.

Procedures and Recent Winners:

SHAFR members may self-nominate or be nominated by other SHAFR members.

Award recipients will be chosen based on their full record as a teacher, including teaching at all levels. The committee particularly encourages applications from faculty in teaching-centered positions, however applications from faculty with research-intensive appointments are also welcomed.

Applicants for the award or their nominators should submit 1) an abbreviated curriculum vita highlighting the applicant’s teaching experience and any awards, conference presentations, service, publications, or other professional work related to teaching; 2) a personal statement on teaching; 3) two professional letters of reference from persons knowledgeable about applicant’s teaching; 4) any additional materials or evidence of teaching excellence, including letters of support from current or former students and course materials and/or assignments. The total submission packet should not exceed 50 pages.

Current members of the SHAFR Teaching Committee may not apply for the Teaching Award,but may do so beginning three years after their term of service on the committee is completed.

Nominations should be sent to the Teaching Award Subcommittee chair Justin Hart at <[email protected]>, by February 1.