SHAFR 2024 Annual Meeting

Photo by Berkay Gumustekin on Unsplash

Photo by Berkay Gumustekin on Unsplash


2024 Conference of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations 

University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, June 13-15, 2024 


Online registration ends Sunday, June 9 at 11:59pm EDT (Eastern). Registration continues in-person at the conference: $55/graduate students and $165/regular.

 SHAFR 2024 Toronto Local Guide



The 2024 Conference of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) will be held from June 13 to 15 at the University of Toronto. The deadline for proposals was December 1, 2023.SHAFR is dedicated to the study of the history of the United States in the world, broadly conceived. This includes not only foreign relations, diplomacy, statecraft, and strategy but also other approaches to Americans’ relations with the wider world, including (but not limited to) global governance, transnational movements, religion, human rights, race, gender, trade and economics, immigration, borderlands, the environment, and empire. SHAFR welcomes those who study any time period from the colonial era to the present. Given that the production, exercise, and understanding of U.S. power takes many forms and touches myriad subjects, the Program Committee welcomes proposals reflecting a broad range of approaches and topics.


SHAFR is committed to inclusion and diversity, and invites proposals from all, including members of groups historically under-represented within the organization. We particularly encourage proposals from women, scholars of color, colleagues residing outside of the United States, junior and contingent scholars, and scholars working in other disciplines. Strong proposals will include a diversity statement describing how your presentation will advance SHAFR’s commitment to inclusion (broadly construed).

Graduate students, international scholars, and scholars whose participation might expand the organization’s breadth are encouraged to apply for SHAFR travel grants to subsidize the cost of attending the conference. Please see below for details.

The Program Committee welcomes panels from across the humanities and social sciences that transcend conventional chronologies, challenge received categories, or otherwise offer innovative approaches and fresh thinking.

The Program Committee welcomes proposals for panels presented in new or creative formats, roundtables, complete traditional panels, and individual papers. New formats might include a fishbowl conversation, a lightning round presentation of six or more individuals’ work, or a role-playing demonstration. Roundtable discussions are usually composed of a chair and three or four participants. Traditional panels typically include three papers plus a chair and commentator (both roles can be held by the same person). Individual paper proposals may be placed on a traditional panel or in one of the new formats.

Although all proposals will receive careful evaluation, the committee will give preference to those that offer innovative or interactive formats. The program co-chairs are happy to consult on new or innovative sessions. Complete panels that choose a new presentation format should describe it briefly in the proposal.

Those seeking to create or fill out a session proposal should Tweet #SHAFR2024 and/or consult with the executive director to help identify scholars with similar interests. The Program Committee will also develop a pool of potential commentators/chairs for panels constructed from individual proposals. If you are interested in volunteering for this pool, please contact the program co-chairs, Meredith Oyen and Christopher Fisher, at [email protected].


All proposals and funding applications should be submitted via the procedures outlined on the SHAFR website. Applicants requiring alternative means to submit the proposal should contact the program co-chairs via e-mail at [email protected].

No participant may appear on the program more than two times. Any special scheduling requests (e.g., that a panel not take place on a particular day) must be made at the time of application and be included in your proposal.

Generally, annual membership in SHAFR is required for those participating in the 2024 meeting. The president and Program Committee may grant some exceptions to scholars whose specializations are outside the field. Enrollment instructions will be included with notification of accepted proposals. Everyone appearing on the program is required to register for the conference.

SHAFR and the media occasionally record conference sessions for use in broadcast and electronic media. Presenters who do not wish for their session to be recorded may opt out when submitting a proposal to the Program Committee. An audience member who wishes to audiotape or videotape must obtain written permission of all panelists. SHAFR is not responsible for unauthorized recording. SHAFR reserves the right to revoke the registration of anyone who records sessions without appropriate permissions.

Online Application Form


Housing Options

The conference proper will take place at the Bahen Centre, with additional events at Hart House and the Faculty Club.  Please see the map below.

[SOLD OUT] $50 USD dorms on campus

Rooms are single occupancy with a communal bathroom on the floor. Reservations will be available via the conference registration webpage. Rooms must be booked by and are non-refundable after April 10, 2024.

$369 CAD Kimpton Saint George

Small block of rooms within walking distance of campus.

To make a reservation you can use the link above or call Central Reservations at 1-833-642-9137. It is important that each guest identify themselves as part of the SHAFR group when making a reservation over the phone. Any requests for special room arrangements must be made at the time of this call.  The SHAFR rate is good through May 13, 2024 or sell-out, whichever occurs first.

$389 CAD Sheraton Centre Toronto

The Sheraton is located downtown, close to restaurants and entertainment, but requires public transportation to reach campus. The cut-off date for booking a room at the Sheraton is May 21, 2024.

Conference area map

Divine Graduate Student Travel Grants

SHAFR will award several Robert A. and Barbara Divine Graduate Student Travel Grants to assist graduate students presenting papers at the 2024 conference. The following stipulations apply: 1) no award will exceed $500; 2) priority will be given to graduate students who receive no or limited funds from their home institutions; and 3) expenses will be reimbursed by the SHAFR Business Office upon submission of receipts. The Program Committee will make decisions regarding awards. A graduate student requesting travel funds must make a request when submitting the paper/panel proposal. Applications should include: a 1-page letter from the applicant and reference letter from the graduate advisor that also confirms the unavailability of departmental travel funds. The two items should be submitted via the on-line interface at the time the panel/paper proposal is submitted. Funding requests will have no bearing on the committee’s decisions on panels/papers, but funds will not be awarded unless the applicant’s submission is accepted by the Program Committee in a separate decision. Application deadline: December 1, 2023.

SHAFR Global Scholars and Diversity Grants

SHAFR also awards Global Scholars and Diversity Grants to help defray travel, lodging, and visa expenses for the 2024 conference. These grants are aimed at scholars whose participation in the annual meeting helps to diversify the organization. Preference will be given to those who have not previously presented at annual meetings. The awards are intended for scholars who represent groups historically under-represented at SHAFR, scholars who offer diverse and complementary intellectual approaches, and scholars from outside the United States. “Scholars” includes faculty, graduate students, and independent researchers. To further integrate grant winners into SHAFR, awards include one-year membership that includes subscriptions to Diplomatic History and Passport. Applicants should submit a copy of their individual paper proposal along with a short cv (2-page maximum) and a 2-3 paragraph essay addressing the fellowship criteria (including data on previous SHAFR meetings attended and funding received). Please submit your application via the on-line interface. Funding requests will have no bearing on the committee’s decisions on panels/papers, but funds will not be awarded unless the applicant’s submission is accepted by the Program Committee in a separate decision. Application deadline: December 1, 2023.

Other Conference Events

The 2024 conference will include mentoring workshops and teaching programs. Those interested in participating can indicate this on the online conference submission form (although it is not necessary to be a panelist to participate).