CFA- SHAFR Second Book Workshop
SHAFR Second Book Workshop
SHAFR welcomes applications for participants in a Second Book Workshop scheduled to take place in person on Wednesday June 25 (8:00am–5:00pm), right before the SHAFR Annual Meeting in Arlington, VA. This initiative is aimed at mid-career scholars who are researching/writing their second book and who would like to have a productive environment in which to receive feedback on their work. Participants will be part of a group of peers; they will give comments to others and receive feedback themselves.
Selection process: The screening committee (formed by three members of the Women in SHAFR committee plus two other experienced SHAFR scholars) will select twelve participants in a two-stage process. In the first stage, they will select potential participants based on the excellence of their work in terms of originality, rigor, and significance. In the second stage, they will rank the applicants who have passed the first round depending on their belonging to a “priority group” (see below).